Bi-Directional Parking System (BDP series), also known as puzzle parking system, was firstly introduced to China in early 1980s, and has been improved and optimized greatly by Mutrade engineers in the last decade.
Parking lifts: mechanical safety locks
Every parking lift, whether it is an tilting parking lift, a garage parking lift, a classic two-post car lift or a four-post parking lift, has mechanical safety locks.
How to choose the right words when searching for a car lift on the Internet?
Each of us periodically faces a situation when you need to find something on the Internet, learn the characteristics of the product you are looking for, read reviews and ...
An in-person factory visit* is possible even during a pandemic!
“The live streaming was already becoming a trend in China, and COVID-19 has only accelerated the tendency around the world and which made us to bring lifestyle online,...
The advantages of multi-level parking
In the previous article, we talked about what a multi-level parking system is, why these parking systems can help to improve the infrastructure of big cities around the world, explained the ...
What is multilevel automated parking?
How are multi-level parking garages built
How does multi level parking works
How long does it take to make a parking lot
Is a multi-level car parking safe
The rapid level of motorization causes many problems related to the lag in the development of transport infrastructure: inconsistency of the road network, lack of necessary service structures, lack of parking in places of heavy traffic...
the larger the city, the larger the stores in it, which try to cover the maximum of space and assortment, so that buyers return home with their purchases, rather than go to buy from competitors. However, large stores do not always sell food or...
Mutrade continues to gain momentum
Key role in the company development plan set aside technological development program aimed at continuous improvement of quality of our products.
Nowadays we pay a lot of attention towards the modernization of productio...
is committed to support our customers during
the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
In this situation, we cannot stay away. To unite, to support those who need it, to protect against the disease is the least we can do.
A serious problem faced by man...
The automobile boom that has arisen in the world is steadily
leading the agglomeration of cities to parking collapse.
Fortunately, Mutrade is ready to save the future of cities.
tower parking and not ordinary parking?
Four Post Vertical Reciprocating Conveyor FP-VRC is a professional solution for the vertical movement of vehicles.
Vertical Reciprocating Conveyor
is the self-standing and self-supporting transportation conveyor that moving car from one floor to another.FP-VRC is highly modifiable product. Сapa...
Limited Space | Complies with | Innovative technology
Instalation European Standards & High quality
Starke 3121/3127 — efficiency and reliability:
is a new type of puzzle parking system that combining underground
and ab...
Dear Customers,
Currently, the new crown pneumonia spread in many countries around the world. The entire international community has consolidated in the fight against the new virus.
MUTRADE expresses concern and sincerely hopes that in the near future the situation will significan...
In November, Mutrade finished installation work of a 4-floor car parking systems with 17 parking spaces for a 4-star hotel in Romania to increase the hotel parking for their clients.
As a kind of automated car parking equipment, Mutrade BDP series products provide an innovative solution to sol...
PROPOSALS in the Government Plan to extend chargeable car parking hours in St Helier were ‘controversial’ the Chief Minister has admitted after they were rejected by the States
The government’s income and spending plans for the next four years were passed almost unanimously by the States on Monda...
Lower than low
Our Australian customer just needed to double the number of parking spaces indoor with the ceiling height of 2900mm. It would have been impossible if it had not been for our two post tilting parking lift. TPTP-2 has tilted platform that makes more parking spaces in tight area possi...
We got to the police of Bangladesh!
This time, our customers from Bangladesh needed to significantly increase the number of parking spaces in a limited area. The absence of a strong noise level of the system and an unlimited height for building parking space allowed us to establish a multi-level ...
This time, our American customer had the task to easily optimize the parking space in his auto repair shop due to a simple solution, quick installation, convenient operation and low maintenance cost.
Two-Post Parking Lift
Hydro-Park 1127
Hydro-Park 1127 provides a simple and grea...
In order to preserve the usable area of the store and its modern look, the owner of the Porsche car dealership from Marseilles turened to us. FP- VRC was the best solution for quickly moving cars to different levels. Now on the lowered platform with the level of the floor is being demonstrated ca...
Parking Expo 2019: Future – Smart Parking Creates Life
In May 2019, Mutrade will take part in the international automotive industry exhibition – Shanghai International Smart Parking Devices Expo 2019
For several years, the company Mutrade takes an active part in various exhibitions a...