Mechanical parking as an alternative to multi-level reinforced concrete parking

Mechanical parking as an alternative to multi-level reinforced concrete parking

The Mutrade company has developed design solutions for mechanized smart pre-fabricated parking lots from metal structures and small multi-storey car parks in the roadside area.

circular automated parking  smart parking

The construction of car parks from metal structures solves the main economic problems of investors:

1. Investment costs for construction are reduced;

2. The payback periods of projects are reduced.

Circular parking system Mutrade Round parking system

Metal parking has a number of advantages:

1. High degree of factory readiness;

2. Short construction time at any time of the year;

low cost;

3. High performance;

4. Low foundation costs;

5. Manufacturability and efficiency of installation.


As an example, consider the construction of a multi-level reinforced concrete parking lot with a capacity of 500 parking spaces in the roadside area or near objects.

The estimated price of 1 parking space in such a parking lot will be from 9990 USD.

Circular fully Automated  Parking System rotary parking system independent parking  car storage

The most cost-effective solution is the construction of a multi-level pre-fabricated parking lot from metal structures with a capacity of 500 parking spaces on this site.

The estimated price of 1 turnkey parking space is about 5700 USD (depending on the project conditions: model, load capacity, dimensions, etc.).


Automated Roadway Stacking Parking System 2 car stacker parking system car storage garage system price china good quality 2


Automated parking from metal structures is a big step into the future. A future that meets the needs of investors, developers and ordinary citizens!


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  • Post time: Dec-15-2022