As we mentioned in the preceding article, part processing plays an important role in the elevator industry. And since such indicators of processing quality as the accuracy of the shape and size of parts affect not only the strength of the structure, but also its appearance, welding takes one of the most important places in the production of our parking equipment. For the manufacture of parts and assemblies of our car lifts we use various welding technologies that significantly reduce the complexity, excluding such work as marking, drilling holes, complex molding, etc.
In our production, arc welding with consumable and non-consumable electrodes has become more widely used. It has great advantages in the manufacture of assemblies using parts made of thick steel, in the manufacture of structural parts operating under alternating and dynamic loads. Contact spot welding is used in the manufacture of a wide variety of metal structures from steel sheet. Due to its high efficiency and productivity, it is widely used in our production, displacing other welding methods with lower performance.
In order to solve the difficult problem of lack of parking spaces, Mutrade has developed and is introducing automated puzzle-type parking systems that involves a radical evolutionary transformation of the modern parking.
In our production, arc welding with consumable and non-consumable electrodes has become more widely used. It has great advantages in the manufacture of assemblies using parts made of thick steel, in the manufacture of structural parts operating under alternating and dynamic loads.
Contact spot welding is used in the manufacture of a wide variety of metal structures from steel sheet. Due to its high efficiency and productivity, it is widely used in our production, displacing other welding methods with lower performance.
In the field of welding processing, in our production work is underway on the mechanization and automation of welding processes, as well as the introduction of advanced technological processes and equipment. This helps to increase labor productivity and the quality of welded structures, reduce the consumption of electricity and welding materials, improve working conditions. For the manufacture of welded assemblies, we purchased the industrial robots FUNUK, designed specifically for arc welding operations.

What robotic welding is?
This is the process of obtaining an integral connection between metal parts, performed using machines that not only fully automate welding, but also independently move and process the workpieces. However, the participation of a person in the operation of such devices is still necessary, since the operator must prepare the materials themselves and also program the device. However, human intervention in the functioning of such devices is still necessary, since the operator must prepare the materials and program the device.
Despite the automation of processes at the enterprise, Mutrade has increased demands on the qualifications of specialists in the field of welding, in particular welding workers. Our specialists have the skills to read any drawings of welded spatial metal structures; skills of threading and welding parts of various configurations and sizes, skills of control and management of robotic welding complexes; design and construction skills, they know welding technologies, as well as plasma and laser cutting technologies.
Robotic welding is a fully automated process, which is realized through the use of special robotic manipulators and other welding equipment. The main advantages of robotic welding are first-class quality of finished products and high productivity of welding production.

More than 60% of the parts are welded by the robot
Metal welding is a complex and high-tech process that ensures the creation of one-piece joints at the interatomic level between two metal parts. Nowadays, the development of modern technologies has brought this process to a new level. So, already 60% of all parts in our production undergo robotic welding performed using mechanized programmable machines. In other words, now more than half of the working moments are performed by welding robots instead of humans. This allowed us to automate the process, increase its efficiency and quality.

What are the advantages of robot welding?

More stable and higher-quality welds
This is the aspect that draws Mutrade team to consider robotic welding in the first place. The quality of robotic welds relies on both quality of materials and consistency of workflow. Once these issues are systematized, however, a robotic device can perform exceptionally high quality, efficient welds much more consistently than even the most experienced professionals.
Greater productivity, yields and throughput
With the increasing of order quantity, Robotic welding means that an 8-hour or 12-hour workplace can be more easily retooled for 24-hour service. Not only that, but quality robotic systems streamline key processes and help humans avoid dangerous or repetitive tasks. That means a much lower error rate, a reduction in avoidable time away from work, and the chance for team members to focus on higher-level challenges.
Drastically reduced post-weld cleanup
Some post-weld cleanup is unavoidable in any project. However, less wasted material translates to a faster cleanup. Less weld spattering means there’s virtually no system downtime between projects. Seams can be clean and neat, helping meet the requirements of even the most exacting customers.
A faster and more efficient way to adapt
Virtually everything in a robotic welding system can be routinized to a precise degree. Granular control means users can adapt quickly to new projects no matter how unusual or innovative they are. That's just one of advantages that can help Mutrade compete with market rivals.
«On the whole we are satisfied with the FUNUC welding robots, - says the employee of the company's quality and control department. - Robots work very reliably - we have never encountered deformations and burning, although we work with parts of different thicknesses».
The company's welding engineer says: « I really like the way robots are programmed. The study of the programming of these systems took us s relatively little time that contributed to the rapid transition to automate this process. Probably my only complaint about robots is that they work too well».

Post time: Nov-19-2020